Current Version: 1.0

Get the Biggest World-Class Ebook and Design System to Supercharge Your Design Process and Boost Earnings Today!

This e-book is your go-to guide for developing and managing Design Systems in Figma.

It compiles the best practices, tools, and resources to elevate your projects, with step-by-step instructions and practical tasks drawn from my years of experience. No need to search elsewhere — everything you need is right here.

Invest in knowledge that can boost your income with your effort — and I'll be there to help you!

Current Version: 1.0

Get the Biggest World-Class E-book and Design System to Supercharge Your Design Process and Boost Earnings Today!

This e-book is your go-to guide for developing and managing Design Systems in Figma.

It compiles the best practices, tools, and resources to elevate your projects, with step-by-step instructions and practical tasks drawn from my years of experience. No need to search elsewhere — everything you need is right here.

Invest in knowledge that can boost your income with your effort — and I'll be there to help you!

Join 271 others already improving their designs!

Join 271 others already improving their designs!

By purchasing e-book, you'll get:

By purchasing e-book, you'll get:

By purchasing e-book, you'll get:

Complete knowledge on creating design systems from A to Z

Step-by-step instructions for building components in Figma

Lifetime updates with only the one-time purchase

A practical Figma file with all the components from the e-book

What's inside?

What's inside?

What's inside?

And the roadmap for the new chapters

And the roadmap for the new chapters

Chapter 1. Introduction to DS

Your outcome: You'll gain understanding of design systems, including their definition, importance, structure, and real-world applications through successful case studies.

Detailed content
Detailed content
Chapter 2. Design Language
Chapter 2.
Design Language

Your outcome: You will learn to apply brand elements in design and develop accessible, global guidelines.

Detailed content
Detailed content
Chapter 3.
Introduction to Figma

Your outcome: Familiarize yourself with Figma by learning how to create projects and master the essential tools.

Detailed content
Detailed content
Chapter 4: The Basics of Creating Styles

Your outcome: You'll learn how to create a detailed style guide, covering everything from color schemes to spacing and gradients, with a focus on accessibility and adaptability.

Detailed content
Detailed content
Chapter 5: Components and Their Purpose

Your outcome: You will gain a clear understanding of the available components, their categories, intended uses, and familiarize yourself with best practices and recommendations.

Detailed content
Detailed content
Detailed content
Chapter 6: Creating Components in Figma

Your outcome: You'll learn how to create both basic and complex components in Figma, exploring their configuration and application using variables and customizable variants.

Detailed content
Detailed content
Detailed content
Chapter 7. Patterns and Templates

Your outcome: You'll learn how to use created components in templates, discover where to find ready-made patterns, and how to design your own templates for various purposes.

Detailed content
Detailed content
Detailed content
Chapter 8. Documentation

Your outcome: You'll learn how to effectively hand off designs for development and publish component libraries.

Detailed content
Detailed content
Detailed content
Chapter 9.
Розділ 8.
Фінальні слова
Coming Soon

A section will be created here based on your feedback.

Feel free to share your suggestions at

Chapter 1. Introduction to DS

Your outcome: You'll gain understanding of design systems, including their definition, importance, structure, and real-world applications through successful case studies.

Detailed content
Chapter 2. Design Language

Your outcome: You will learn to apply brand elements in design and develop accessible, global guidelines.

Detailed content
Chapter 3.
Introduction to Figma

Your outcome: Familiarize yourself with Figma by learning how to create projects and master the essential tools.

Detailed content
Chapter 4: The Basics of Creating Styles

Your outcome: You'll learn how to create a detailed style guide, covering everything from color schemes to spacing and gradients, with a focus on accessibility and adaptability.

Detailed content
Chapter 5: Components and Their Purpose

Your outcome: You will gain a clear understanding of the available components, their categories, intended uses, and familiarize yourself with best practices and recommendations.

Detailed content
Chapter 6: Creating Components in Figma

Your outcome: You'll learn how to create both basic and complex components in Figma, exploring their configuration and application using variables and customizable variants.

Detailed content
Chapter 7. Patterns and Templates

Your outcome: You'll learn how to use created components in templates, discover where to find ready-made patterns, and how to design your own templates for various purposes.

Detailed content
Chapter 8. Documentation

Your outcome: You'll learn how to effectively hand off designs for development and publish component libraries.

Detailed content
Chapter 9.
Coming Soon

A section will be created here based on your feedback.

Feel free to share your suggestions at

Why do you need it?

Why do you need it?

Why do you need it?

This e-book will become your indispensable assistant if you wish to:

This e-book will become your indispensable assistant if you wish to:

🤩 Improve teamwork quality

🤩 Improve teamwork quality

Understanding the terminology and principles of design systems will establish a common language within the team, reduce misunderstandings, and improve coordination.

Understanding the terminology and principles of design systems will establish a common language within the team, reduce misunderstandings, and improve coordination.

Mastering the skills to develop and use design systems will help your team work more efficiently and complete projects of any complexity faster.

Mastering the skills to develop and use design systems will help your team work more efficiently and complete projects of any complexity faster.

👾 Speak the same language as developers

👾 Speak the same language as developers

Proper use of terminology and understanding the technical details of design systems will help avoid mistakes and misunderstandings when communicating with developers.

Effective interaction with developers is a key condition for the successful completion of projects, ensuring they will appear in reality just as you envisioned them in the design.

Effective interaction with developers is a key condition for the successful completion of projects, ensuring they will appear in reality just as you envisioned them in the design.

💰 Earn more

💰 Earn more

You’ll be able to speed up interface development and take on more projects at one time, which will increase your monthly income several times over.

You’ll be able to speed up interface development and take on more projects at one time, which will increase your monthly income several times over.

Implementing a design system in a company will help boost the efficiency of the design team by 30-50%, increasing your salary or bonuses.

Implementing a design system in a company will help boost the efficiency of the design team by 30-50%, increasing your salary or bonuses.

👑 Become a sought-after specialist

👑 Become a sought-after specialist

Design systems are not just a trendy buzzword but a necessary tool in modern design. They enable the creation of consistent and easily scalable projects, significantly improving their quality.

Design systems are not just a trendy buzzword but a necessary tool in modern design. They enable the creation of consistent and easily scalable projects, significantly improving their quality.

By mastering this skill, you will greatly enhance your competitiveness in the job market.

👑 Become a sought-after specialist

Design systems are not just a trendy buzzword but a necessary tool in modern design. They enable the creation of consistent and easily scalable projects, significantly improving their quality.

By mastering this skill, you will greatly enhance your competitiveness in the job market.

Who am I and why can you trust me?

My name is Olena, and I've been a product designer from Ukraine since 2010.

My way

My journey started with website development while studying at Kyiv Polytechnic Institute 🎓.

Then I worked as a web-designer on popular Ukrainian projects like, and Back then, everything was designed using Photoshop, and design was integrated directly with front-end development.

This experience allowed me to evolve from a basic understanding of design to a deep knowledge of both layout and programming. As a result, I can create designs that are not only visually appealing but also functional and easy to implement.

Job Experience

Currently, I work at PUMB bank, one of the top 5 largest banks in Ukraine, where I focus on improving the user experience for business clients.

In the past, I’ve worked on leading projects in the finance sector, including Dukascopy Bank, Privat-24 for Business, Monobank and many others, serving millions of users.

For the past 5 years, my focus has expanded beyond design to include product management, helping to create products that truly meet users’ needs.

Who am I and why can you trust me?

My name is Olena, and I've been a product designer from Ukraine since 2010.

My way

My journey started with website development while studying at Kyiv Polytechnic Institute 🎓.

Then I worked as a web-designer on popular Ukrainian projects like, and Back then, everything was designed using Photoshop, and design was integrated directly with front-end development.

This experience allowed me to evolve from a basic understanding of design to a deep knowledge of both layout and programming. As a result, I can create designs that are not only visually appealing but also functional and easy to implement.

Job Experience

Currently, I work at PUMB bank, one of the top 5 largest banks in Ukraine, where I focus on improving the user experience for business clients.

In the past, I’ve worked on leading projects in the finance sector, including Dukascopy Bank, Privat-24 for Business, Monobank and many others, serving millions of users.

For the past 5 years, my focus has expanded beyond design to include product management, helping to create products that truly meet users’ needs.

My goal

Improve your understanding of design systems and how they can

simplify your work and increase your income


Product Designer

Design systems speed up project development, enhancing scalability and boosting profits.

Design System







With my experience and understanding of the importance of design systems today, I aim to share my knowledge and contribute to the growth of the global design community.

My goal

Improve your understanding of design systems and how they can

simplify your work and increase your income


Product Designer

Design systems speed up project development, enhancing scalability and boosting profits.

Design System







With my experience and understanding of the importance of design systems today, I aim to share my knowledge and contribute to the growth of the global design community.

My goal

Improve your understanding of design systems and how they can

simplify your work and increase your income


Product Designer

Design systems speed up project development, enhancing scalability and boosting profits.

Design System







With my experience and understanding of the importance of design systems today, I aim to share my knowledge and contribute to the growth of the global design community.

My goal

Improve your understanding of design systems and how they can

simplify your work and increase your income


Product Designer

Design systems speed up project development, enhancing scalability and boosting profits.

Design System







With my experience and understanding of the importance of design systems today, I aim to share my knowledge and contribute to the growth of the global design community.

My principles

My principles

My principles

I want to advance the industry and elevate the professional level of designers by increasing the availability of clear, accessible content. Too often, valuable design resources are buried under a flood of information.

I want to advance the industry and elevate the professional level of designers by increasing the availability of clear, accessible content. Too often, valuable design resources are buried under a flood of information.

The reputation I’ve built over the years is important to me, which is why I’ve poured my heart and 15 years of knowledge into this e-book. If, after reading the free sample, you feel it’s not for you, feel free to move on.

The reputation I’ve built over the years is important to me, which is why I’ve poured my heart and 15 years of knowledge into this e-book. If, after reading the free sample, you feel it’s not for you, feel free to move on.

Be sure to subscribe to my social networks for even more insights and valuable resources.

Be sure to subscribe to my social networks for even more insights and valuable resources.

Be sure to subscribe to my social networks for even more insights and valuable resources.

E-book Preview

E-book Preview

E-book Preview

To get a feel for my writing style and see if it suits you, be sure to download the free sample before purchasing:

To get a feel for my writing style and see if it suits you, be sure to download the free sample before purchasing:

To get a feel for my writing style and see if it suits you, be sure to download the free sample before purchasing:

This e-book is ideal for:

This e-book is ideal for:

This e-book is ideal for:

🧑‍🎨 Дизайнерам


Здобудете фундаментальні знання та навички створення дизайн-систем, які одразу зможете застосувати на практиці, без довгих років самостійного навчання та виснажливих проб і помилок!


Покращите навички, що допоможуть вам масштабувати проекти та оптимізувати час, витрачений на рутинні задачі, що дозволить звільнити його для більш креативних завдань.

🥷 Розробникам


Дізнаєтесь, як ефективно використовувати компоненти та дизайнерські правила для оптимізації розробки, забезпечення консистентності згідно дизайну, масштабування, оновлення та підтримки продуктів.


Зрозумієте принципи інтеграції дизайн-систем у back-end архітектуру, щоб підвищити ефективність та гнучкість розробки.

🧑‍💻 Власникам продукту

Дізнаєтесь як дизайн-системи допоможуть ефективніше керувати розробкою та еволюцією своїх продуктів, підвищуючи їх конкурентоспроможність та вартість на ринку.

🧑‍💼 Проєктним менеджерам

Зможете стандартизувати роботу, поліпшити комунікацію між дизайнерами та розробниками, скоротити час на розробку та тестування, а також підвищити якість кінцевих продуктів.

🧑‍🎓 Студентам

Отримаєте ключові навички дизайну та розробки, які раніше вимагали б значно більше часу, значно швидше. Це прискорить ваш шлях до успішної кар'єри у цій сфері та відкриє нові можливості для професійного розвитку.

👯 Командам

Навчитесь вдосконалювати співпрацю та продуктивність за допомогою єдиної дизайн-системи, що дозволить вам економити час, ділитися елементами та створювати послідовний дизайн.

🏦 Компаніям

Зможете розробляти уніфікований дизайн-кодекс, щоб забезпечити впізнаваність бренду, кращий досвід для користувачів та конкурентну перевагу на ринку.

🧑‍🎨 Designers


Gain foundational knowledge and skills for creating design systems that you can apply immediately, without years of self-study and exhausting trial and error.


Improve your skills to help scale projects and optimize time spent on routine tasks, freeing up time for more creative work.

🥷 Developers


Learn how to effectively use components and design rules to optimize development, ensure design consistency, and facilitate scaling, updates, and product maintenance.


Understand how to integrate design systems into back-end architecture to boost development efficiency and flexibility.

🧑‍💻 Product Owners

Discover how design systems can help you manage the development and evolution of your products more efficiently, increasing their competitiveness and market value.

🧑‍💼 Project Managers

Standardize workflows, improve communication between designers and developers, reduce development and testing time, and enhance the quality of final products.

🧑‍🎓 Students

Acquire essential design and development skills much faster, speeding up your path to a successful career in this field and opening new opportunities for professional growth.

👯 Teams

Learn how to enhance collaboration and productivity with a unified design system, allowing you to save time, share elements, and create consistent designs.

🏦 Companies

Develop a unified design code to ensure brand recognition, provide a better user experience, and gain a competitive advantage in the market.

🧑‍🎨 Designers


Gain foundational knowledge and skills for creating design systems that you can apply immediately, without years of self-study and exhausting trial and error.


Improve your skills to help scale projects and optimize time spent on routine tasks, freeing up time for more creative work.

🥷 Developers


Learn how to effectively use components and design rules to optimize development, ensure design consistency, and facilitate scaling, updates, and product maintenance.


Understand how to integrate design systems into back-end architecture to boost development efficiency and flexibility.

🧑‍💻 Product Owners

Discover how design systems can help you manage the development and evolution of your products more efficiently, increasing their competitiveness and market value.

🧑‍💼 Project Managers

Standardize workflows, improve communication between designers and developers, reduce development and testing time, and enhance the quality of final products.

🧑‍🎓 Students

Acquire essential design and development skills much faster, speeding up your path to a successful career in this field and opening new opportunities for professional growth.

👯 Teams

Learn how to enhance collaboration and productivity with a unified design system, allowing you to save time, share elements, and create consistent designs.

🏦 Companies

Develop a unified design code to ensure brand recognition, provide a better user experience, and gain a competitive advantage in the market.

🧑‍🎨 Designers

🧑‍🎨 Designers


Gain foundational knowledge and skills for creating design systems that you can apply immediately, without years of self-study and exhausting trial and error.


Improve your skills to help scale projects and optimize time spent on routine tasks, freeing up time for more creative work.

🥷 Developers


Learn how to effectively use components and design rules to optimize development, ensure design consistency, and facilitate scaling, updates, and product maintenance.


Understand how to integrate design systems into back-end architecture to boost development efficiency and flexibility.

🧑‍💻 Product Owners

🧑‍💻Власникам продукту

Discover how design systems can help you manage the development and evolution of your products more efficiently, increasing their competitiveness and market value.

🧑‍💼 Project Managers

Standardize workflows, improve communication between designers and developers, reduce development and testing time, and enhance the quality of final products.

🧑‍🎓 Students

Acquire essential design and development skills much faster, speeding up your path to a successful career in this field and opening new opportunities for professional growth.

👯 Teams

Learn how to enhance collaboration and productivity with a unified design system, allowing you to save time, share elements, and create consistent designs.

🏦 Companies

Develop a unified design code to ensure brand recognition, provide a better user experience, and gain a competitive advantage in the market.

Gain the knowledge and skills that will allow you to earn

Gain the knowledge and skills that will allow you to earn

Gain the knowledge and skills that will allow you to earn

from 5 000$ per month

from 5000$ per month

from 5 000$ per month

using design systems!

using design systems!




The price will increase as the e-book is updated and new sections are released.

The price will increase as the e-book is updated and new sections are released.

The price will increase as the e-book is updated and new sections are released.

Only e-book

Full version of the e-book with free lifetime updates (already 600+ pages)

Full version of the e-book with free lifetime updates (already 600+ pages)

Monthly updates to the e-book

Monthly updates to the e-book

Option for personal consultation

Option for personal consultation

$ 59

limited time!

-50% off

launch price

limited time!

-50% off



limited time!

-50% off

launch price

Full E-book

+ 🎁 Figma practice file

50% off for a limited time in celebration of the launch!

50% off for a limited time in celebration of the launch!

A practical Figma file with ready-to-use design system components discussed in the e-book

A practical Figma file with ready-to-use design system components discussed in the e-book

Regular updates to the Figma file with new design system templates

Regular updates to the Figma file with new design system templates

Continuous updates to the Figma file, adding new components

Continuous updates to the Figma file, adding new components

Full version of the e-book with free lifetime updates (already 600+ pages)

Full version of the e-book with free lifetime updates (already 600+ pages)

Monthly updates to the e-book

Monthly updates to the e-book

Option for personal consultation

Option for personal consultation

$ 59

$ 59




it's only $0,16/per day for a year

Only Figma Design System File Preview

A practical Figma file with ready-to-use design system components discussed in the e-book

A practical Figma file with ready-to-use design system components discussed in the e-book

Regular updates to the Figma file with new design system templates

Regular updates to the Figma file with new design system templates

Continuous updates to the Figma file, adding new components

Continuous updates to the Figma file, adding new components

Option for personal consultation

Option for personal consultation

$ 59

Don’t need the e-book but want to create a similar website?

Don’t need the e-book but want to create a similar website?

Don’t need the e-book but want to create a similar website?

Don’t need the e-book but want to create a similar website?

Leave your details below, and I will contact you soon for a detailed discussion.

Leave your details below, and I will contact you soon for a detailed discussion.

Thank you for your trust :)

Have questions or suggestions? Feel free to reach out using the contact details below

© Dissi.Design, 2024. All rights reserved.

Дякую за довіру :)

Thank you for your trust :)

Thank you for your trust :)

Thank you for your trust :)

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Have questions or suggestions?

Feel free to reach out using the contact details below

Have questions or suggestions? Feel free to reach out using the contact details below

Have questions or suggestions? Feel free to reach out using the contact details below

© Dissi.Design, 2024. Всі права захищені.

© Dissi.Design, 2024. All rights reserved.

© Dissi.Design, 2024. All rights reserved.

© Dissi.Design, 2024. All rights reserved.

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